現在,才懂得, 溫柔不是一種性格,而是能力。


謝謝那些 在我成長過程中,溫柔對待我的每一個人,很抱歉 我現在才懂,也很感謝,我終於明白。



我想表達的,是 當自己懷有善意,才看的到別人的善意,自己體貼,才能感受到別人的體貼; 而當自己有愛,更懂得愛,才能看的見愛,遇到愛 smile 表情符號


Last night, lots of thoughts and memories came up into my mind. I think of lots of people and the way it happened btw them and me. I felt greatful for their gentle and kindness to me. Now, i believe that when u become a gentle person with wisdom then u can notice other's gentle and wisdom to u.
Thank u to all the people in my Life and the gentle and generous way u treat me. That makes me to learn to be a gentle woman and generous person from now on. Thanks for the old days and for anythings


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